Become a member
Behind the initiative of this cluster we have named Agritech Cluster, is 50 companies mainly based in Mid-Norway. Agritech Cluster will establish itself as Norway’s leading arena for technological innovation in the agricultural value chain.
Agritech Cluster will
establish itself as Norway’s top arena for technological innovation in the agricultural value chain
strengthen the appeal of agriculture and its position in Norway and internationally
develop new technology, products and solutions for enhanced precision in agricultural production
utilize the value chain potential of the cluster for collaborative projects for resource utilization, sustainability labelling and optimization of operations
Agricultural technology is about to become the world’s fastest growing markets. Large Norwegian companies producing chemical fertilizers and agricultural machinery are already fully present in most of the large, global markets. Since the early 2000s we have seen new and interesting developments created by young, innovative tech companies offering sustainable solutions to the entire spectrum of primary producers such as grain producers, fruit- and berry cultivators and meat- and dairy farmers.
The main goal of Agritech Cluster is to utilize these opportunities by combining partners from the agricultural value chain to develop and start using new agricultural technology in sustainable solutions throughout the value chain. Through collaboration, a common initiative and projects, the Agritech Cluster members will strengthen Norway as an arena for innovation and development in agriculture.
When adding members to Agritech Cluster we will look for how the applicants add competence to the value chain, actively contribute to collaboration and become members and owners of Agritech Cluster just as other members do. Agritech Cluster has its own policies expressing the expectations of membership and involvement, as well as its membership fees.
Medlemskategorier og kontingenter for Agritech Cluster i 2022:
AS/SA over 100 ansatte kr. 30.000,-
AS/SA 50-100 ansatte kr. 10.000,-
AS/SA 20-49 ansatte kr. 6000,-
AS/SA 5-19 ansatte kr. 4000,-
AS/SA 1-4 ansatte kr. 1500,-
Faglag kr. 0,-
Gründerbedrifter 0-5 år kr. 0,-
Stiftelser kr. 0,-
Universitet, høgskole, vgs. kr. 0,-
Ønsker du å bli medlem? Fyll og send inn skjemaet nedenfor.
Membership categories and fees for Agritech Cluster in 2022
AS/SA over 100 employees
kr. 30.000,-
AS/SA 50-100 employees
kr. 10.000,-
AS/SA 20-49 employees
kr. 6.000,-
AS/SA 5-19 employees
kr. 4.000,-
AS/SA 1-4 employees
kr. 1.500,-
Organizations (faglag)
kr. 0,-
Start-ups 0-5 years
kr. 0,-
kr. 0,-
Universities, colleges, upper secondary school
kr. 0,-
Would you like to become a member? Fill out the form below and send it in