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About Agritech Cluster

Agritech Cluster is a technology-oriented agricultural cluster based in the middle of Norway. The cluster will contribute to the development and use of new technology in agriculture through sustainable solutions in the agricultural value chain. The goal is to create for more profitable, sustainable, and climate-adjusted agriculture, which in turn will increase the competitive potential of Norwegian food and agricultural production, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating the foundation for a new and green economic growth in Norway. 


Agritech Cluster was created in January 2022 on an initiative from the agricultural industry in Mid-Norway. A managing group has been constituted with member representatives and farmer Jørn Magne Vaag as a managing group leader. Hege Michelsen Kolstad is the cluster manager and responsible for daily operations.


Agritech Cluster will

  • establish itself as Norway’s top arena for technological innovation in the agricultural value chain

  • strengthen the appeal of agriculture and its position in Norway and internationally

  • develop new technology, products, and solutions for enhanced precision in agricultural production

  • utilize the value chain potential of the cluster for collaborative projects for resource utilization, sustainability labelling and optimization of operations

Styringsgruppe for Agritech Cluster

  1. Styreleder (sykmeldt): Jørn Magne Vaag, bonde - - 926 33 609

  2. Fungerende styreleder: Aslaug Rustad, Oi! Trøndersk Mat og Drikke - - 926 90 237

  3. Kjell Stokbakken, Norsk Kylling - - 920 10 785

  4. Jostein Sandvik, AutoAgri - - 400 06 027

  5. Bjørn Stabbetorp, Felleskjøpet Agri - - 950 29 880

  6. Cecilie Arnesen Hultmann, Nortura - - 468 27 489

  7. Truls Hansen, Norsk Landbruksrådgiving Trøndelag - - 911 16 181

  8. Tove Jystad, Landbrukets klima- og energisenter - - 414 13 441

  9. Turid Strøm, NORSØK - - 407 69 922

  10. Johan Olav Valseth Lian, SpareBank 1 SMN - - 924 69 721

  11. Varamedlem: Hilde Kjersem Kolberg, Midt-Norsk Landbruksråd - - 908 32 134

Become a member of Agritech Cluster

​Agritech Cluster will

  • establish itself as Norway’s top arena for technological innovation in the agricultural value chain

  • strengthen the appeal of agriculture and its position in Norway as well as internationally

  • develop new technology, products, and solutions for enhanced precision in agricultural production

  • utilize the value chain potential of the cluster for collaborative projects for resource utilization, sustainability labelling and optimization of operations

Kick-off April 21, 2022

On Thursday April 21, 2022 Agritech Cluster will be organizing a kick-off for the companies and participants that have been involved in the forming of this project. Agritech Cluster will be owned by its members, and during the kick-off event we will establish groups across the member fields to increase collaboration and project work.

UN Sustainability Goals

Agritech Cluster is in support of The United Nations Sustainability Goals, which recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. Agritech Cluster will work towards:

  • a fossil fuel-free machine park in agriculture by 2030, the equivalent of a reduction of up to 1,43 million tons CO2 equivalents per year

  • increasing self-sufficiency to a minimum of 50% energy basis (kJ) produced in Norwegian agriculture in Norwegian feed and feed ingredients by 2030.

  • establishing standards for measuring sustainability in the value chain for food production by Norwegian agriculture by 2025


We have chosen the following of UN’s Sustainability Goals that Agritech Cluster will contribute to solve:

Fnavn Enavn


Tel: 900 00 000

Fnavn Enavn


Tel: 900 00 000

Fnavn Enavn


Tel: 900 00 000

Fnavn Enavn


Tel: 900 00 000

Fnavn Enavn


Tel: 900 00 000

Fnavn Enavn


Tel: 900 00 000

Managing group for Agritech Cluster

Jørn Magne Vaag


Styreleder (sykmeldt)

Jostein Sandvik



Aslaug Rustad

Oi! Trøndersk Mat og Drikke

Fungerende styreleder

Kjell Stokbakken

Norsk Kylling


Bjørn Stabbetorp

Felleskjøpet Agri


Cecilie Arnesen Hultmann



Truls Hansen

Norsk Landbruksrådgiving Trøndelag


Tove Jystad

Landbrukets klima- og energisenter


Turid Strøm



Johan Olav Valseth Lian

SpareBank 1 SMN


Hilde Kjersem

Midt-Norsk Landbruksråd /
Møre og Romsdal Bondelag


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